Thursday, January 28, 2010
Pain pills
I've been in bed the last few days, following my burn nurse's advice to take pain pills. I feel a little better today. I went down for a follow up with the nurse. She promised me that this was the worst of it and I would start to turn around- after a peel that I'm not looking forward to. I've been so tired, I've been dragging myself around the house. The pain pills help to keep you from moving around too much. At one point, I was lying on my back, hands on my belly and I couldn't move a muscle. Not out of pain, but from the sedation. I imagine that's the state junkies are furiously searching for. You don't sleep, and the craziest thoughts and scenarios flip through your mind. These painkillers actually leave me manic when they fade - astronaut wives, schools of fish, book sales, dance contests, backgammon games, brilliant ideas that evaporate with the breath.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Burnin' up for your love
Ouch. This isn't me, but it is about the color of my chest and arm. And unfortunately, my radiation onc. wasn't joking when he said it would get worse for another week or so before it gets better. My skin hurts more than it has so far, and worse is the ickiness of skin breakdown -- it gets mushy. I panicked on Sunday and tried to get a doctor on the phone. That's when you know you're really on your own. I was transferred around a circle until someone finally paged the radiation onc. on call, who I have no relationship with. The genius told me to go to the emergency room. I laughed and said I wasn't going unless I had a high fever and to please give me suggestions on what to do. I followed none of them. I hope I at least took him away from Avatar for 5 minutes. I so often wish healthcare was delivered as it is on TV. TV is the reason people are satisfied with their care. Until they get sick. It's Monday, I have a call in today to the burn nurse. I have to limit my movement because my nerve endings are amped up. every soft brush of fabric or cushion-y pad starts those endings shimmying. I spent hours in bed yesterday watching the Mary Tyler Moore Show on Hulu, instead of reading accounting. No regrets.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Owl and Turtle Cupcakes
Yummy chocolate cream owls and buttery turtles celebrating the end of my 25 day treatment and my nephew Rex's first birthday today. I've decided to continue writing about my treatment of this disease. The blog has given me an outlet to vent and to explain. I hope there's a few folks out there in the wide world who are enjoying following it. I look forward to a few day of quiet piece. Reading, working on my collages and getting things back to their proper places. When I'm under pressure, all sense of organization escapes me. A bientot!
Day 25 of 25 a deep exhale
It's taken me a few days to take a breath and update day 25, my last day of radiation treatment. I had a 730 AM appointment, It was quiet at the facility at that time. I gave up on the IPod-- returning to my reliable counting in french. I got to 130. I had my exit meeting with the doctor and nurse. My skin is breaking down, starting at the armpit. I wont go into detail, but trust me it's icky. My skin is redder than I could have imagined - a true beet red. And so sore, I am layering padding over myself after cream and then fitting on layers of shirts to keep things in place. I got this certificate - which is sweet, but I never doubted my determination to make it through. I am a tough mother fucker. After treatment and binding myself I raced to class-- almost 8 (that's eight) hours of accounting. I left an hour early, I was too itchy. Ned picked me up (a doll) I recharged and then went to a Feldenkrais class. I know, insane, but wait! then the next morning I had 8 hours of new age-y effective leadership and team building. It all felt like a laugh-- so absurd, I'll describe it in more detail another time. I've been taking notes to write about it. Finally, I collapsed at home. I was in a manic push, that faded away with a cold breeze. Leaving me feeling achy and sore and worst with a migraine. I wish I could feel the relief that its over, but it's not. Aside from the weeks of side effects, my fight continues. I have a bone scan on Friday and a CT scan next Monday. Not even a week off. But I do feel relieved that there will be no more zapping on hard table by futuristic machines.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Day 24 of 25 Almost there!
These are my celebratory chocolate covered strawberries my mom sent me, we've tried some this evening. It's a good thing tomorrow is my last day, I don't think my skin could take any more. The ladies waiting room at the facility has been so crowded that they've run out of seats at certain times. Making the experience all the more intense. Women packed together want to talk. I did have a conversation with a grandmother about to start avastin for her brain tumor. I told her my experiences with the drug. I am really crispy fried on my chest -- and my back from laser exit wounds which I didn't even notice until this weekend. I met with Dr. P, my radiation oncologist and the wound nurse for a strategy to stave off the worst of my skin "breaking down" as they call it. There is 2-4 more weeks of yuckiness to deal with. I've also decided to keep going with the blog since my battle continues on. I will be relieved to stop going to the facility every day. It's been like Groundhog Day, slogging to the facility every morning --My job seems to only be a patient. Tomorrow is a looong day-- radiation at 730 am, accounting 9am-5pm and, incredibly, a feldenkrais class at 630. I don't really think I can do all this, but that's the schedule. I'm not sure I can sit in a class for so long, I'm very uncomfortable from the burns and I wont realistically be able to keep reapplying creams every 2-4 hours. The rolling thunderstorms wont make things any easier. Still, I'm glad to have made it through this. Berry glad.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Day 23 of 25
The end of the treatment is in sight, although radiation is cumulative, so it continues to build up in the body -- side effects worsen and peak about 2 weeks after treatment is complete. I'm pretty crispy fried today, and cant wait for this to end. I need a vacation! So tired, I'm getting into bed with a book and an ambien. It's challenging to sleep while your wrapped in vasiline soaked gauze and abdominal pads. But I can do it. A Bientot.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Invitation to Comment on this Blog
OK I think I figured out how to set this so anyone can comment on my posts. I can't seem to figure out how to reveal the comments so you can read them without having to click on 'em. Technology can be frustrating, so I give up for now.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Day 21 of 25
It's been a rough day. I felt emotionally fragile and didn't handle external stress well. I had my radiation and then my infusion at another facility in the afternoon. My skin is itchy and uncomfortable no matter what I do. And I am just plain tired of going to the hospital. This is another great image of me, thanks to my Radiation Onc. A cross section -- the two half moons are my lungs with the diagram of my laser entrance and exit points. I plan on coming home tomorrow after treatment and getting back into bed. I went to my support group meeting tonight. I rarely go, but thought i needed it. And I did. A fantastic group of women. Fuck this cancer shit. I am going to keep fighting like hell.
cross section,
radiation oncologist,
support group
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Day 20 of 25
I was slightly disappointed to find out that Monday is MLK day and the facility will be closed. That makes my last treatment day next Thursday, the same day I start an all day program. This means I'll have to get treated at 7ish, go home get ready for my first day of class and all the social anxiety that brings and then get to market street. Class is from 9 to 515. Yes. Otherwise I went back to an older cancer centric visualisation recording for treatment, which leaves me in a daze when they pull me off the slab. My energy is pretty good though, only my skin is bothering me. My Radiation Oncologist says I look pretty good, no nasty effects that can happen. Basically your skin starts to break down. Yuck I cant imagine what that looks like. Tomorrow is an intense day, I have morning radiation and afternoon infusion at oncology of Irradia. If you don't know what an infusion is -- and I didn't before this, it's an IV. Some people put in ports for easy access. I refused and so they have to hit a vein every time. Not as easy as you might think. I've been told mine jump out of the way of the needle. Can that be possible? The chemo nurses are a sweet bunch of people who have taken very good care of me for the past year and a half. Although I have my favorite. He never misses. I hope he's there tomorrow. I usually take a few atavan to sleep through the whole experience, but the stuff looses its efficacy. So tomorrow, maybe a dvd on the laptop.
radiation oncologist,
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Is this really me?
computer generated,
CT Scan,
radiation oncologist
Day 19 of 25 - Day 18 skipped
I'm back after skipping my update yesterday (Monday). I was just too exhausted to put any thoughts together. After treatment yesterday I bought an electric blanket and got under it and that's about it. I'm feeling better today, fatigue wise. This cold weather puts a damper on my walks. My skin is getting redder and redder and itchier and itchier. I've been alternating through a variety of products-- trumeel (the holistic one), eucerin-- a creamy soother, aqaphor -- sticky, gooey petroleum product and spring wind burn cream -- from my acupuncturist-- a smelly, red cream that stains anything it touches. I also need to get benedryl pills for the itch today. I do have some amazing pix to post from my Radiation Oncologist. I'll try to do tonight, I've been a bit lazy. I'm off to my acupuncture and then my Oncologist this afternoon. Infusion on Thursday. I am going to be super tired this week. Blah. But the end of treatment is in sight-- next week. Although I'll be crispy fried by then. Tried listening to the positive affirmations today, hard to block everything out.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Day 17 of 25 - a tardy update
I've let the entire weekend go by without writing about my Friday treatment. I've been going nonstop, which has felt great and kept me from having a little pity party. Treatment itself was the usual, except I went into the Sequoia room instead of the Tahoe one. A new set of RTs. I missed mine. I hope the switch is temporary. I again listened to guided imagery. In the afternoon I met with a UCSF doc for opinions on my treatment and then had a fun dinner at Vanessa and Josh's to welcome Moshe back from Greece. Vanessa and I hit the Vintage Paper Fair on Saturday like a cyclone. Got many amazing things. Later an art opening. Then Sunday, all day at a seminar for Sustainable MBA program. I can't believe I made it through and had a great weekend. Maybe I'll post some of the paper treasures I found tomorrow. They are super cool. Baseball cards from the teens, postcards from the 40's, 1950's Mademoiselles, a very strange Milton Bradley game called Bradley's Eskimo Village from 1920. My skin is very red and needing lots of attention.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Day 16 of 25 - Armor of Battle
Feeling very tired and cranky. My treatment area is becoming very uncomfortable, part of it feels like a burn, part like a large bruise. My doctor told me this was "normal" and to take advil as well as treating the burn area. I had acupuncture today, which made me feel better. I was cranky at the facility and just wanted to get out as fast as possible. I wore my Ipod, but it didn't distract me enough. I was feeling the gravity of the situation, the weight of the armor of battle. It's really too much to process, I have to focus on my breath and try to only have clear space in my spinning mind. I've double booked myself for several things over the next week and can't seem to prioritize. After acupuncture I supprisingly had enough energy to make dinner. I have a hard time sleeping through the night now, so i take a little ambien. I thought it would be stronger, i don't see the big deal. Unless I need an elephant size dose because of all my meds.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Day 15 of 25
Ten sessions left. Today I tried to wear my Ipod again during treatment. Listening to a Belleruth Napersak's guided imagery. I turned it up real loud and laid down on the table. The RT's take it away from me, placing it somewhere I can reach over my head. Well I cant move at all anyway so if it were in reach it would still be untouchable. Imagining a special place I recalled a hill filled with tall cattails and sunflowers with a path that i used to take. It cut down behind our house on Davenport Avenue to a more populous part of the neighborhood when I was 5 or 6. I added a clearing with trim, warm grass to sit. I imagine the warm sunbeams penetrating my body, as the radiation waves do. After I met with my radiation oncologist. He kindly put together a series of images they're using to treat me and emailed me with them. They are pretty impressive.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Day 14 of 25
Definitely feeling the fatigue these last few days. The facility was buzzing today. Inside the ladies waiting room there were 5 of us, a full house. Two women were excited as it was there last day! Very jealous. We all discussed hair loss from chemo. Some handled it well, others fucked up. If they tell you your hair is going to fall out, it is going to fall out and no shampoo is going to save it. You must shave your head before the deluge, otherwise your hair coming out in clumps is too traumatic. Trust me on this. My radiation oncologist popped in to tell me we could email me copies of my x-rays for all you wonderful readers-- he's still waiting to find out if I can film my treatment. My gut says I'll be denied, but it will be revealed tomorrow. My RTs gave me good recommendations on going to Las Vegas. I couldn't find my Ipod this am-- I'm misplacing things all the time right now. It's stress-- my years of therapy tell me that. I'm going to go on a forced march around the neighborhood for some fresh air. Although I just want to close my eyes. Too tired to figure out online registration for my MBA program I start in 2 weeks-- not a great sign for future academic success.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Day 13 of 25
Lucky number 13. Today I had radiation and the dentist. I would say the dentist was worse since I hadn't been for 3 years. Plus during chemo you can't floss at all-- so that was almost a year of no flossing. Ugh. The facility was quiet today, first day back from the holiday I guess. I was taken into the Tahoe Room as soon as I changed into my gown. Today I tried to do treatment with my Ipod on. I was listening to a wellness guided imagery recording. Since I'm held entirely by the machine during treatment, I put the buds in, and the RT puts the Ipod on the machine where I can't reach it. So the settings are, well, set. I didn't put it loud enough to hear the soft voice of Belleruth Napersak (seriously) over the high pitched mechanical humming. I'll try again tomorrow. I am really feeling tired today, and I look beat. I may take a sleeping pill tonight, to ensure sleeping through the night. I still love my japanese nail art! Seriously, run, don't walk to get it.
Alameda Flea Market
Vanessa and I hit the Alameda Flea Market this Sunday and barely fit our acquisitions into the Prius. We were on a major shopping high, with all the lovely 1950's and 60's objects. I bought 2 early 60's cattail lamps, a 1940's folding cart, some 50's magazines for collage. Nessa bought two bookshelves, a cool 60's green speckled lamp, and little treasures for her film making. If I had rented a truck I would have kept buying! Ned has asked that I curb my big item collecting. Maybe I can, maybe I can't.
Cool Japanese Nails
As part of my reward program to myself for making it this far in radiation, I got a very fancy Japanese style manicure in Japantown called Calgel. I love, love love it. They simply will not chip. Nail art is my new favorite thing. This is a modern take on a french manicure. I moved tons of furniture yesterday at the Alameda Flea Market- see next post and these babies didn't chip!
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