Ouch. This isn't me, but it is about the color of my chest and arm. And unfortunately, my radiation
onc. wasn't joking when he said it would get worse for another week or so before it gets better. My skin hurts more than it has so far, and worse is the
ickiness of skin breakdown -- it gets mushy. I panicked on
Sunday and tried to get a doctor on the phone. That's when you know you're really on your own. I was transferred around a circle until someone finally paged the radiation
onc. on call, who I have no relationship with. The genius told me to go to the emergency room. I laughed and said I wasn't going unless I had a high fever and to please give me suggestions on what to do. I followed none of them. I hope I at least took him away from
Avatar for 5 minutes. I so often wish
healthcare was delivered as it is on TV. TV is the reason people are satisfied with their care. Until they get sick. It's
Monday, I have a call in today to the burn nurse. I have to limit my movement because my nerve endings are amped up. every soft brush of fabric or
cushion-y pad starts those endings shimmying. I spent hours in bed yesterday watching
the Mary Tyler Moore Show on
Hulu, instead of reading accounting. No regrets.
I think you hit the nail on the head these freaking kaiser docs are in avatar...it all makes perfect sense now.
I maybe know what you mean about TV medicine. At least for me, I'd love to imagine doctors putting their heads together--THINKING about me. Oh, well.
Please keep updating. I hope you're sleeping all right? Are you getting that sweet relief, at least?
Hope you are feeling much better!!!!! And if it helps to cheer you up a bit, the "Word Verification" that I need to type in at the end of this comment is "sperm".
I swear once I had to type "but" and "pirate" to sign into facebook -- I thought it was a trick.
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