Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 19 of 25 - Day 18 skipped

I'm back after skipping my update yesterday (Monday). I was just too exhausted to put any thoughts together. After treatment yesterday I bought an electric blanket and got under it and that's about it. I'm feeling better today, fatigue wise. This cold weather puts a damper on my walks. My skin is getting redder and redder and itchier and itchier. I've been alternating through a variety of products-- trumeel (the holistic one), eucerin-- a creamy soother, aqaphor -- sticky, gooey petroleum product and spring wind burn cream -- from my acupuncturist-- a smelly, red cream that stains anything it touches. I also need to get benedryl pills for the itch today. I do have some amazing pix to post from my Radiation Oncologist. I'll try to do tonight, I've been a bit lazy. I'm off to my acupuncture and then my Oncologist this afternoon. Infusion on Thursday. I am going to be super tired this week. Blah. But the end of treatment is in sight-- next week. Although I'll be crispy fried by then. Tried listening to the positive affirmations today, hard to block everything out.

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