These are my celebratory chocolate covered strawberries my mom sent me, we've tried some this evening. It's a good thing tomorrow is my last day, I don't think my skin could take any more. The ladies waiting room at the facility has been so crowded that they've run out of seats at certain times. Making the experience all the more intense. Women packed together want to talk. I did have a conversation with a grandmother about to start
avastin for her brain tumor. I told her my experiences with the drug. I am really crispy fried on my chest -- and my back from laser exit wounds which I didn't even notice until this weekend. I met with Dr. P, my radiation oncologist and the wound nurse for a strategy to stave off the worst of my skin "breaking down" as they call it. There is 2-4 more weeks of
yuckiness to deal with. I've also decided to keep going with the blog since my battle continues on. I will be relieved to stop going to the facility every day. It's been like Groundhog Day, slogging to the facility every morning --My job seems to only be a patient. Tomorrow is a
looong day-- radiation at 730 am, accounting 9am-5pm and, incredibly, a
feldenkrais class at 630. I
don't really think I can do all this, but that's the schedule. I'm not sure I can sit in a class for so long,
I'm very uncomfortable from the burns and I wont
realistically be able to keep reapplying creams every 2-4 hours. The rolling thunderstorms wont make things any easier. Still, I'm glad to have made it through this. Berry glad.
I'm wondering how you're doing Melissa, after your long day yesterday? It sounded like it would be too much for me -- even without the radiation.
I'm berry glad you're going to continue your blog. I only recently discovered it from Portland friends, though I've been keeping track of you for some time. It's better to get your own words and vivid descriptions (love those).
I'm right behind you, bringing up the rear.
Thanks so much for the comment and keeping up with the blog-- It really thrilled me to find I have a fan!
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