Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Managed Care

I finally spoke with someone at the California Department of Managed care and have a state attorney on my side.  I'm going to try to get my HMO to pay for my treatment with Dr. C.  The rule is they don't have to pay for any care not at one of their facilities.  It took a lot out of me today to deal with this.  I'm miserable about not having the freedom to go where ever I want for the best care.  I'm not optimistic that we can prevail, it seems like such a racket and these big health care corporations have so much power.  How did it get like this?  How do Americans sit and take this?  Worse, cry communism when someone complains about the system.  I was disappointed when I took a good look at Obama's Health Care plan that it doesn't help me out.  It really only helps the very poor, which is a good thing, but what about the rest of us?  There must be many people like me, the under-insured.
This is the third collage in my cell series.  I finally think I was successful at using the ancient Egyptian pieces with my mid-century imagery.  Again, this is about treatment.  I'll post a better image when I get back.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you're battling the bureaucracy for what should be a basic right!

I feel so cheated by the so-called healthcare plan - I, like so many people my age (I'm a few years out of college) am alarmed to find that I can't afford health insurance. It's scary. What's scarier is that I don't qualify to go to the various health clinics in my neighborhood because of income restrictions. I'm constantly worried that I don't have/contract a chronic illness and prevail on the kindness of my friends in healthcare to keep me supplied with antibiotics or other medications when I need them (and I worry for my less-resourceful friends in similar situations). Healthcare reform?? What a joke!

Having said that, I wish and hope that your energy were better spent on getting better than dealing with something that really, truly should be a basic provision for any tax-payer. Get well. Be well.

Melissa & Ned said...

Thanks Anonymous for the good wishes. I totally agree -- I had no health insurance after college for a couple years either. And even now with my illness, I don't qualify for help from aid programs for patients - government and nonprofit, because I'm not poor enough (yet!) The health insurance reform only seems to help the most poor from what I understand, which is great, but what about the rest of us? grrrrr.

Anonymous said...

Grrrr indeed!!

Thinking of you, and hoping your treatments are going well.