Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Day 7 of 25

The weather's crisp and cold as I headed down the peninsula for day 7. I'm feeling tired and cranky, although my radiation oncologist said the standard is not to feel the fatigue until at least day 12. I'm feeling less sociable today. The smiling yarn lady was there and wished us all a merry Christmas. I woman I had met at another cancer facility recognised me and proceeded to complain nonstop about how she was feeling after her lumpectomy. I tried to be polite and end the conversation, but she kept coming back with more complaints. Will I have to avoid conversation every day with her? I guess the ipod will be making an appearance tomorrow.
After my radiation today, the Radiation Therapist said she noticed I was already blistering -- sensitive Irish skin isn't going to do me any favors. I had my weekly meeting with the Radiation Oncologist, who I generally like, he seems about my age. He doesn't get panicked and makes himself available for me with any questions --- totally unheard of in my HMO. He warned me I could have trouble swallowing and some other crappy shite. Tomorrow is the last day of the week because of Christmas and I'm relieved. I need to go lotion up.

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