Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Day 2 of 25

We were 10 minutes late for the zapping today-- and they punished me by making me wait about 30 minutes-- that'll teach me to be undressed and waiting in the ladies lounge area at my scheduled time. No pictures today, my battery was dead when I got there, maybe tomorrow.
The longest part of treatment, and the most dehumanizing, is the nurses positioning my body on the board-- lasers have to hit the exact tattooed points on my torso I got yesterday and the day before. I have to lie limp while I'm pulled this way and that. My arms are positioned over my head and I'm holding a soft red donut. I also have to demurely keep my head turned to my left for the entire treatment. I've found a particular light fixture to stare at. Dull instutional cieling, whith a hole cut out directly over my body -- another red laser eye watches carefully.
Checked in with my Radiation Oncologist -- we'll meet every wednesday -- he seems ok-- my age or a few years younger -- decent bedside manner considering. The facility is too christmasy- they holiday cheer has the opposite effect on me. I'm having a bowl of oatmeal right now and then I go to another hospital for my monthly infusion-- The infusion will take about 3 hours. I'll blog it later Ciao

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