Thursday, April 15, 2010

Test Results


I had my brain scan last night at the hospital.   Took quite a bit of Ativan to get through it.  They brace your head in place in a sort of Silence of the Lambs headgear with sponges, put ear plugs in and then you're backed into a small windy tunnel -- and bombarded by noise for 45 minutes. With a break to inject you with contrast dye.  They pump air through the machine, so it sounds like the tundra.  I never opened my eyes once.  I knew better.  Once you see how close you are to the ceiling, you can't catch your breath.
The good news is that there is no sign of cancer in my brain.  I was pretty worried.  I know a few women dealing with brain mets and it's terrifying to hear about.  So, pfew!  cheers!  It was worth the 45 minutes down the rabbit hole.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you've been writing. I've been sitting here staring at your latest posts and thinking......not to mention being extremely relieved about no brain cancer. "Cheers!" is right. Cheers again! And again!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

sounds like a another scary experience.
you are brave melissa.
I'm so glad your scan was clear